39 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 43317 | Fixed | |
Task Description
quest 43317 autocomplete
38 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 14034 | Fixed | |
Task Description
quest 14034, la la opcion de golpearlo pero cuando matas a los dos npcs luego no da la opcion de registrarle los bolsillos para que te den los planos de la mision
37 | Other | Bug Report | High | Low | Legion emissary | Requires testing | |
Task Description
wrong patch emissary, show emissary of Argus even when you havent completed his campaing
36 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 31739 | Fixed | |
Task Description
quest 31739 no se completa en el npc que nos acompaña
35 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 31768 | Fixed | |
Task Description
quest 31768 no estan las cajas de municiones para dispararle
34 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 31766 | Fixed | |
Task Description
quest 31766, no funciona,no baja al darle click sale un npc id 66640 y no la cuerda,baje con la montura y la quest se completa desde que intento tomar una mision del npc id 66190
33 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 31765 | Fixed | |
Task Description
quest 31765,algo invisible te mata en el barco y ubicacion erronea
32 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 31853 | Invalid | |
Task Description
quest 31853, el zepelin no esta,comienzo de mision para ir a pandaria para luego tener el portal habilitado, arreglar posicion de zepelin
31 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 27203 | Fixed | |
Task Description
quest 27203 no se puede completar porque no aparece el portal que te lleva al media de la tierra y luego tomar la otra para ir a infralar,con esta quest se deberia habilitar el portal a infralar
30 | Quest | Bug Report | Medium | Low | quest 29109 | Invalid | |
Task Description
quest 29109 no se puede hablar con el npc para iniciar la mision
29 | Object | Bug Report | Medium | Low | portales de infralar | Invalid | |
Task Description
portales de infralar habilitados sin hacer la questline
28 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | questline de tierra alta | Fixed | |
Task Description
questline de tierra alta no funciona, solo da la primera mision de orgrimmar quest 28717
27 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 40325 | New | |
Task Description
quest 40325 there are not animation with memories, thalyssra just standing in one place
26 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quests 44492,44493,44495 | Invalid | |
Task Description
quests 44492,44493,44495 autocompletable
25 | Object | Bug Report | Low | Low | object 254129 | Fixed | |
Task Description
object 254129 teleports you with buggued underground animation, aso npc 97140 should not be here
24 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 25325 | Fixed | |
Task Description
quest 25325 autocomplete
23 | NPC | Bug Report | Low | Low | npc 38917 | Invalid | |
Task Description
npc 38917 duplicado
22 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 25321 | Fixed | |
Task Description
quest 25321, npc 40096 tienen que estar en una jaula para liberarlo y esta sin jaula
21 | NPC | Bug Report | Low | Low | npc 8558 | Fixed | |
Task Description
npc 8558 bug visual de muerto con full hp
20 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 25323 | Fixed | |
Task Description
quest 25323 solo vi un elemental npc 38896 aunque aparecieron dispersos npcs 40065 y los npcs 38915 lo matan rapido, quizas por eso vi solo uno
19 | Other | Bug Report | Medium | Low | Undead Animation | Fixed | |
Task Description
undead visual bug in completing first quest,dont get up
18 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 25574 | Fixed | |
Task Description
quest 25574 ubicacion erronea y se autocompleta
17 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 3095 | Fixed | |
Task Description
quest 3095 no es posible leer el pergamino, por ende no se puede completar la mision
16 | NPC | Bug Report | Low | Low | npcs 97270,93234,93093 | Fixed | |
Task Description
npcs duplicate 97270,93234,93093
15 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 25316 | Fixed | |
Task Description
quest 25316 el teletransport a hyjal no funciona
14 | NPC | Bug Report | Low | Low | npc 6491 | Fixed | |
13 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 38872 | Fixed | |
12 | NPC | Bug Report | Low | Low | npc 25801 | Fixed | |
11 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 11868 | Fixed | |
10 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | quest 11876 | Fixed | |
9 | NPC | Bug Report | Low | Low | npc 92566 | Invalid | |
8 | Quest | Bug Report | Medium | Low | Quest 38615 | Fixed | |
7 | Quest | Bug Report | Medium | Low | Quest 11626 | Fixed | |
6 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | Quests 26773,26775 | Fixed | |
5 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | Quest 42731 | Invalid | |
4 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | Quest 38595 | Fixed | |
3 | Other | Bug Report | Medium | Low | Quest marks in maps | Fixed | |
2 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | Quest 37530 | New | |
1 | Quest | Bug Report | Low | Low | Quests 37729,42371,42370 | New | |