996 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | Quest ID 26720 ("A Curse We Cannot Break") | Invalid | |
Task Description
Subject: Quest Bug Report – Quest ID 26720 ("A Curse We Cannot Break")
Description: The quest "A Curse We Cannot Break" (ID: 26720) is currently bugged. The NPC is spawning inside a wall and cannot be attacked. Normally, he should appear on the pedestal inside the house, waiting for his prey.
995 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | NPC ID# 63339 & 63465 | Fixed | |
Task Description
NPC's does too much damage to have about 20 of them in one place. See screenshot.
Each enemy does 4k to 5.2k roughly. There are about 17 in this photo but I killed 3 before I instantly died basically.
I have no clue where you find the info on what Blizz-Like is, but this should 100% be scaled down for anyone playing Solo. I'm a lvl 90 Tauren Shaman.
994 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/quest=43370/a-new-invention | Researching | |
Task Description
npc=110447 xr9-47 is there now but there is still no quest. i get a gold hand icon when mousing over the npc but clicking has no effect.
993 | NPC | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | Nok Karosh NPC | Invalid | |
Task Description
NPC is stuck in neutral mode (as well as the wolves around it) and it insta heals when you try to attack it (this is an issue because it drops a mount)
992 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/quest=43370/a-new-invention | Fixed | |
Task Description
image of mimiron npc=110424 doesn't have any of the dialogue options needed to start this quest.
991 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/item=141350/kirin-tor-chest#con... | Fixed | |
Task Description
reward for kirin tor emissary quest empty on 2 characters in a row
990 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/quest=43426/wanted-brogozog#com... | Invalid | |
Task Description
cant be completed, tried relogging and killing him again a few times
989 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/spell=192085/jump-to-skyhold#co... | Invalid | |
Task Description
jump points missing from Stormheim, Azsuna, Valsharah and Highmountain
988 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | "High Priestess Jeklik" Quest ID: 26812 | Fixed | |
Task Description
The priestess has the health of the full boss version from the dungeon (298k), the npc trying to ressurect her doesnt spawn, the priestess is standing up and avoids half of the attacks. Also, the item to leave the area ALSO doesnt work and doesnt teleport you out, the quest is just a massive mess.
987 | Other | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | "The road to Thelsamar" questline isnt counted as finis... | Invalid | |
Task Description
The questline "The road to Thelsamar" in Loch Modan isnt counted as completed even though all the quests from the zone are, preventing the player from getting the achivement.
986 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/quest=42770/seeking-guidance#co... | Fixed | |
Task Description
this quest for my 2nd Artifact isn't available. the only option available from lord maxwell tyrosus npc=90259 is Seek allies under the Light, part of a earlier quest.
985 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/quest=46264/their-eyes-are-upon... | Fixed | |
Task Description
only 2 observation notes npc=119913 available so it can't be completed I've tried to do this quest several times and was only able to complete it the first time, its also always there even when there is no legion assault on the zone.
984 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/npc=93539/hobart-grapplehammer | Invalid | |
Task Description
missing gun items from inventory item=136629, item=136630, item=136631, item=136632 same goes for npc=102196 fargo flintlocke
983 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/quest=41675/work-order-blink-tr... | Researching | |
Task Description
world quest is active but emissary doesn't have the quest. the same thing happens with other world quests of this type, they don't seen to be in sync with the emissaries sometimes.
982 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/order-advancement=429/live-by-t... | Researching | |
Task Description
has no effect on troops, they are still regular ebon knights
981 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/npc=124309/viceroy-nezhar/heroi... | Researching | |
Task Description
spell=244751 howling dark should be interruptible on heroic
980 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/item=136412/heavy-armor-set#con... | Fixed | |
Task Description
sometimes reduces ilvl of followers instead of increasing, follower was at 820 now at 810 after use
979 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | "Darkblaze, Brood of the Worldbreaker" Quest ID: 26714 | Fixed | |
Task Description
The Quest isnt aquired where it should be on the map which causes the dragon not to spawn making the quest uncompletable. I suspect its an instance issue since it spawns the orks you kill in the previous mission.
978 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | "To Win a War, You Gotta Become War" Quest ID: 26651 | Fixed | |
Task Description
Same issue as reported in Prisoners of war, distraction doesnt work and the enemies are constantly casting stealth detect.
977 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | "Rise of the Brotherhood" Quest ID:26322 | Fixed | |
Task Description
The quest isn't completable, the npc quite literally just doesn't accept the quest completion. If you try to abandon it, the quest gets readded to Anduin, when you retake it, it autocompletes and you can get to the pick your reward tab, but it doesnt allow you to pick an item and complete it.
976 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | "Prisoners of war" Quest ID: 26646 | Fixed | |
Task Description
The quest provides you with the "Bravo Company Field Kit" item that allows you to stealth, distract and put to sleep enemies However, the enemies are constantly using detect stealth (they shouldn't be) and the distract ability does not work, making the quest undoable.
975 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Very Low | Detonation Quest ID: 26668 | Researching | |
Task Description
The cinematic for the detonation doesn't play. Here is what it's supposed to look like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smp1L_CKsKM&t=8s&ab_channel=GitGudGuides
974 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | trinket not working | Researching | |
Task Description
https://www.wowhead.com/item=151312/ampoule-of-pure-void cooldown starts but has no visual effect and does no damage
973 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | "It's Alive!" Quest ID: 26257 | Researching | |
Task Description
The rocket boost move doesnt work as it should when in the harvester. Instead of rocket boosting through the enemies, you just kinda, woddle, slower than normal walking.
Example of how its supposed to be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqT-sR2WjEE&ab_channel=QuestGuru
972 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | "Slowing the Inevitable" Quest ID: 24920 | Fixed | |
Task Description
After the bat has done its predetermined path, youre supposed to be able to activate its 2nd ability and fly back to where the quest started to end it. However, the button doesn't work, and at the end of the pathing, the game just lets you control the bat and you cant dismount it. After trying everything to dismount it, tried restarting the game since Logging off and exiting is impossible which has made me unable to log into the character I did the quest with.
971 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | "The Battle for Gilneas City" Quest ID: 24904 | Fixed | |
970 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | "The Hunt for Sylvanas" Quest ID: 24902 | Researching | |
969 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | "Take back Whats ours" bug, Quest ID:24646 | Researching | |
968 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | Can't save watchmen, "Gasping for Air" Quest ID: 14395 | Fixed | |
967 | Spell | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | The minion control pannel for warlocks keeps disappeari... | Fixed | |
966 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | "Rite of Wisdom", infinite wolves ID:773 | Fixed | |
965 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | "Thunderhorn totem" finish at wrong location, Quest ID:... | Fixed | |
964 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Very Low | Feed of evil, Quest ID:14461 | Researching | |
963 | NPC | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | The ghost swords of Ashenvale! | Fixed | |
962 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | Missing location marker for "Gorat's Vengeance" quest, ... | Fixed | |
961 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Very Low | Wood in quest "Management Material", Quest ID: 13640. ... | Invalid | |
960 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/order-advancement=364/shadow-pa... | Fixed | |
959 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/npc=111634/winter-payne | Researching | |
958 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/order-advancement=433/brothers-... | Researching | |
957 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/object=252395/deathcharger-hitc... | Fixed | |
956 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/order-advancement=421/fel-hamme... | Researching | |
955 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/order-advancement=422/fel-armam... | Researching | |
954 | Other | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/order-advancement=254/brewhouse... | Researching | |
953 | Object | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/item=139654/ghostly-queenfish#c... | Waiting on Customer | |
952 | Other | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | Empty loot window when fishing | Invalid | |
951 | Quest | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | Cataclysm - Mor'shan Caravan Delivery | Fixed | |
950 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/npc=101846/nomi#comments | Researching | |
949 | Spell | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | Light's Judgement at Argus not working | Invalid | |
948 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/quest=38037/cache-of-infernals | Fixed | |
947 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | https://www.wowhead.com/npc=50245/dormus-the-camel-hoar... | Invalid | |