
welcome to Legion!!!

I now believe as you do. That peace is the noblest aspiration. But to preserve it, you must be willing to fight!

18th April Official Release

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Official Opening on April 18

Wowaddicts |

Hello community, today we have the pleasure of 
announcing the official opening day of the...
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New World of Warcraft Legion Server Launches!

Wowaddicts |

The World of Warcraft universe is alive and buzzing with exciting news for fans of one of its most iconic expansions: Legion. Wow_Addicts has announced the o...

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NEW SYSTEM: Casual Players Gear Up

Wowaddicts |

Hello community, we are pleased to
announce that we have implemented
a new system:
"Casual Players Gear Up".
You will can get, easy and...
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Wowaddicts |

Hello community, we are pleased to announce 
that the opening date for Open Beta phase
will be 08th August!!! Everyone can join ...
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Unknown |

Hello community, we are pleased to announce 
that the opening date of a test server in the
Closed Beta phase will be 12th July!!...

Server Features

Discover the exciting features that await you on our Legion server and take your gaming experience to the next level!

XP Rate x5

Change the experience rate from x1 to x5 with the .xp set command (default is x5, only for creatures and quests). Beside you get rewards with every 10 levels that you level up.

Guild House System

You can create a house for your guild where you can meet with all your companions and add vendors, trainers, portals and much more.

Survival Mode System

A new game mode in which you cannot die while raising your character to the maximum level. If you die you will lose your character forever.

Played Time Reward System

Earn store coins for every hour you play with your main character to buy things from the in-game store (NO PAY TO WIN).

Battle Pets

Enjoy pet battles. Hunt, battle and increase your collection of combat pets.

Mythic Plus

You can enjoy all legion dungeons in mythic plus mode up to difficulty level 30 and get your reward.

LFG SoloQue For Old Dungeons

You can go alone, via LFG, to dungeons and raids from old expansions to legion without having to go in a group.

TimeWalking Dungeons/Raids

You can go through TimeWalking to old dungeons and raids where your level and statistics will adapt to that of the dungeon or raid.

Unlocked Allied Races

You will be able to create any allied race without having to complete the mission chains necessary to do so.

Full Crossfaction

You will can join chats, bgs, arenas, dungeons, raids, auction house, guilds, trade and everything with the opposite faction.

All flightpaths discovered

You can fly anywhere from level 1 without having to discover the flightpaths.

Free Heirlooms Vendors

You have FREE Heirlooms vendors in all starting areas so leveling is even easier and faster. In addition to a FREE mount that you can use from level 1.

Server PVP 7.3.5

You will be able to enjoy open world pvp at all times, such as battles and arena, with new reward systems added that will make confrontations with other players more productive.

New PVP Reward System

Earn reward mounts for killing other players and for participating in arenas and battles. Up to 12 different mounts. Plus get XP for killing other players in battlegrounds.

PVP System 1 vs 1

You can join 1 vs 1 arenas and get rewards for it. You will also have Spectator Arena System to watch others fight in arenas or battlefields.

Reset Cooldowns in Duels

Life, mana, energy, focus and magic will be reset automatically at the end of each duel.

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